10 August 2017

Church members protest after pastor demanded $1000 offering to pay for his Rolls Royce car.(WATCH)

Congregation of a Detroit church started a protest during church service after the pastor requested for $1000 offering to pay for his Rolls Royce car.
Comments trooped in;
  • I believe that preachers that are robbing/scamming they own church congregation should be locked up in jail..I would want to receive my money back. I don’t see why people in the church should allow being duped like that, that’s taking money from you in order for you survive and feed your families.
  • not that pastors should be in poverty but a rolls Royce, how much more greedy does he have to be to drive a luxury car. A dodge ram is nice enough for him to drive, and a mansion is way over board when ppl in the congregation are hurting to support his lavish life style. False prophets are popping up everywhere.

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