16 August 2017

OAP Daddy Freeze To Conduct Marriages In Christ, See Requirements

On Air Personality, Daddy Freeze has said he wants to begin officiating marriages in christ, he also listed the requirements for the wedding ceremony.
He disclosed this on his instagram page earlier today, he wrote;
“If we don’t want this kind of Oprah’s relationship to look enticing to your children, the time to take the stand is now!

From this day onwards, I will begin officiating ‘marriages in Christ’ for citizens of the #FreeNation and anyone else who wishes to be married in Christ, without the bondage of the legal system or the burden of tradition and religion.

Kindly contact me by DM if you are interested!

1: Two consenting Adults.
2: Prayer: I will pray over the couple and invite Christ into the union.
3: A party will follow because our Lord and savior attended a wedding ‘party’. The magnitude of the party depends on the budget of the couple but must have a minimum of 10 people who MUST be well catered for!
4: Alcoholic wine. This is a ‘MUST’ an important symbol of his blood and his covenant with us, and because there was wine before he came to the party and he brewed more when it finished.


It might take a while for people to catch on, but trust me, very soon, they will all realize that being ‘married in Christ’ is all we really need and religion and traditions are just tools for mind conditioning! ~FRZ”

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