04 September 2017

25-Year-Old Man Rescued After Drinking Rat Poison In Enugu

A 25 year old man, Chime Chinedu Afamefuna, has been saved from death after drinking a poisonous concoction suspected to be rat poison in a bid to commit suicide on August 12.
The incident took place in a classroom at Uwani Boys Secondary School Enugu.
New Telegraph reported that he was saved by a member of the Enugu State Command of the Nigerian Legion Corps of Commissionaires, Ekoh-Clement O.I., who along with his men stumbled on Chime and alerted Uwani police division.
Timely intervention of the policemen, who rushed to the scene of the incident, saved the situation as they rushed unconscious Chime to the police hospital Enugu where he was revived.
Speaking with the eyewitness, Ekoh-Clement, who is the Divisional Officer of Enugu South Division of Nigerian Legion Corps of Commissionaires, he said;
“After the field walkout and parade, they retired to one of the classrooms for briefing only to discover a young man whose name was later gathered as Chime Chinedu Afamefuna who left a suicide note, drank a poisonous substance which was believed to be an insecticide, vomited all over the classroom and was sitting in the pool of his vomit. “The officers quickly perused the suicide note and some men were sent to an address that was left on the note where a supposed relation by name Gloria Aneke can be found while the divisional officer alongside with two other officers rushed to Uwani Police Station.
“The DPO was not in the office so the officers met the DCO (Sp Okeke Chinedu) who responded quickly and sent some of his officers to join the legionaires who came to report the incident. The young man was later taken to the police command clinic where his life was saved,” he said. Attempt to speak to the Enugu Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Superintendent of Police (SP) Ebere Amaraizu, was unsuccessful at press time, but a police source at the police station informed our correspondent that every effort made to extract the real motive for attempted suicide from Afamefuna proved abortive.
When the police invited Aneke, the woman whose name was on a suicide note he wrote, it was discovered that she is Afamefuna’s auntie and also sponsored his secondary school education before he ran away from home and joined street boys.
It was gathered that Afamefuna’s mother died shortly after giving birth to his immediate younger brother. Aneke said since the sad incident, she assumed the responsibility of taking care of him and his younger brother.
The auntie was said to have expressed frustrations at Afamefuna’s delinquent behaviours, a development that had seen him in and out of police cells before he finally eloped from home and started living street life.
She was said to have however expressed willingness to keep her doors open if the young man would turn a new leaf and return home. It was observed that street life possibly exposed Afamefuna to cultism.
And that perhaps he couldn’t meet up with cult demands hence the decision to take his life. Also, the last phrase of his suicide note, “IN THE NAME OF FUTA-JALUN my mother high temple”, may have something to do with either mysticism or cultism.

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