08 September 2017

Joke Of The Day - LOL

Scrolling through my facebook feeds and saw this Joke... 

My Nigerian people, i hail us ni. LOL 

Read The Joke Below:

Donald trump wants to paint the white house.. He calls for quotations.. Chinese guy quoted 3 millions.. European guy quoted 7 millions.. Nigerian guy quoted 10 millions.. 
Trump asked chinese guy.."..how did u quote 3 millions..?" Chinese guy replied .." 1 million for paint 1 million for labour 1 million profit.." Trump asked european guy.. He replied-".. 3 million for paint 2 million for labour 2 million profit..* 
Trump asked Nigerian guy.. He replied.. .."..4 million for you.. 3 million for me.. .. .. and we will give 3 million to the chinese guy and ask him to paint..!!"


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