06 June 2018

Lagos pastor, Tom Samson, strikes a pose besides his Rolls Royce phantom (Photos)

Clergyman, Bishop Tom Samson, pictured beside his Rolls Royce Phantom as he arrived for church service yesterday June 3rd. The clergyman was gifted a 2014 Rolls Royce Phantom by his church member in 2016.
Controversy has been trailing the cleric concerning all his exotic automobiles, including Rolls Royce Limousine, Hummer jeep and more.
Some people believe that it’s not appropriate for a man of God to be cruising around in different high profile cars, and even with red carpet here and there each time he goes out or comes to church with his Rolls Royce.
But speaking with Encomium Magazine, Bishop Samson said, “It’s not just the Rolls Royce or Limousine today, you must look at my history.
“I came from a poor background. I have been in Lagos for the past 25 years. Several times I fell from Molue trucks, life was difficult for me. For almost 15 years in Lagos, I was using fairly used dresses.
“There’s nowhere in the scripture that condemns that. Are we now saying that good things are for the agents of Satan?
“Bible says God created all things in this world. Every good thing you see, God created it.
“And I want to read from the Book of Timothy, chapter 6 verse 17 where the Bible says all these good things God created, He has empowered us to enjoy them. I Timothy 6:17
“Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-minded, not trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God who giveth us richly all things to enjoy.
“If those who are criticizing me want to be mediocre, to be poor, I am not fighting them. But to me Tom Samson, my God says He giveth the power to get wealth.
“The Bible says for our sake He was made poor that we can be made rich. I don’t know the Bible they’re quoting from.
“But must good things of life go for the agents of Satan? That means God is a mediocre? And which is not true because my God is not a mediocre. Bible says He has richly blessed us.
“He has richly giveth us all things to enjoy. Is Limousine for Satan’s agent? Is Rolls Royce also for Satan’s agent? If you’re opportune to be inside Limousine, you will know that it’s comfortable. In fact, you can think well inside Limousine.
“Rolls Royce is also a good one. So, should agents of Satan be using all these while men of God be going for Volkswagen cars that are dying on the road.
“Do you know I have once used a car that they were pushing for me on the road before it could start? God doesn’t do magic. It takes due process. I have paid my dues. Lagos, Nigeria knew me.
“I have been a young man with a ministry, touched lives for many years. Why it is that now in the days of my reward, people now thought I just rose overnight.
“May be for my critics, I have been in active ministry for 30 years. I have been on campus, laboring. If somebody has been laboring since 30 years ago and God now started to bless him for barely two or three years ago, is that a crime?

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