22 June 2017



1.  In all you do, see that you earn
a living legally. This is the hallmark of real men

2.  Never never rape a woman. You are a man not a
beast. Real
men dont rape. Ladies give them willingly.

3.  Do not take advantage of the
little girls on your street who call
you brother. Real men respect

4.  Do not play women. And if you must play, then
go to the market,
buy a football and go into the
field to play. Real men don’t play

5.  Leave prostitutes alone. Let
their kind attend to them. Real men do not
patronise prostitutes.

6.  As much as possible, avoid I
Owe You (I.O.U). Freedom is

7.  Visit a viewing centre once in a while, especially
if you just
moved into an area newly. It
gives you an idea of the kind of
guys staying around your area so you ll know how to follow them

8.  Learn how to cook..It saves money ..(thank me later)

9.  Make the Mallam operating
on your street your friend. They
have a way of knowing what is
happening around. I mean it.

10.  Desist from the habit of
camping ladies in your house over night. Nobody is
praying for
bad things but bad things don’t
announce when they are coming.

10.  As much as you can, try to
know other routes in and out of
your area. This is very important

11.  Some guys allow their friends
to sleep with their girlfriends in
their houses. Guys believe me;
this is not being your brother’s
keeper. IF anything happens, you
might not find it easy to yourself out of the matter.

12.  Save money. Save plenty of it
if you can. It has a way of shoring up confidence.

13.  Don’t allow alcohol to control
you. Control it. Yes, you can!

14.  It is called gambling for a
reason. Please don’t gamble
away your scarce resources even
if they are in abundance.( I did not say u should not play bet9ja)

15.  Don’t fight over Arsenal or
Man U or Chelsea or Liverpool or Man City or any
club for that
matter. It is not worth it. It has
never worth it.

16.  Develop a huge sense of
humour. See the sunny side of
everything. Stop spoiling for a fight at the slightest
Real men have self control.

17.  Get a girlfriend and stick to her ...one woman is enough HIV is real oo ( coman beat me am in my house)

18.  Do not beat your girlfriend or
wife for any reason . She is not
your punching bag. If you must
flex your muscles, go to the gym. You will find one
close by.

19.  And finally dont forget to pray.Real Mehn Pray #RMP

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