04 August 2017

Nigerian lady tells Pastor Adeboye to return her sister’s first fruit offering

A Europe-based Nigerian woman has called on Pastor Enoch Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God [RCCG], to urgently return the money her younger sister gave the church as her first fruit.
The unnamed lady who made five minutes, 23 seconds video where she narrated how her younger sister was made to part with the profit she made on her business, lambasted Pastor Adeboye and other men of God whom she says collect money from their members without and turning their backs on them when they have problems.
In the video, the lady recounted how she gave her younger sister who is based in Nigeria some money to set up a business but after a while, the sister called her and requested for more money to boost the business.
When she enquired from her what happened to the profit she was supposed to be making, the sister told her that she had given her profits to the RCCG every month as part of her first fruit contribution as instructed by Pastor Adeboye.
The apparently enraged claims she told her sister to go back to the person who has been receiving her first fruit to get the money to take care of her financial needs.
She also addressed other pastors, charging them to give assistance to their members when they need it and not just collecting money from them.
In her words:
“My junior sister was to start a business some months ago and she asked for financial assistance from me. So I was able to give her some little financial assistance. And then she started the business and everything was moving fine.
When she was about to rent an apartment, she asked me for financial assistance again and I also gave her. There was a time she told me that when she started the business, she was told in her church that her first profit of the months has to go to the church and she did so.
Last month, she called me on the phone and said she needed some financial assistance and I told her that presently, I can’t help her because our mother is also there and I give financial assistance to her every month, that I can’t help her.
This month, today again, she called me and said ‘sister, please, please, please, this is the last time am asking you for financial assistance, I need some money to boost my business. I now told her, remember you told me of your first profit that you gave to your church because your pastor wanted you to do that.
Now that you have some financial problems, why not go to your pastor to give you money? I told her to go and ask him for money. She now said it is not the pastor of the church she attends that collects the money but the General Overseer. I asked her who the General Overseer is and she said Pastor Adeboye.
I said, Pastor Adeboye? What did he use the money to do and she said that he used the money to pay the church workers. I told her that now that she needs financial assistance, she should go to Pastor Adeboye to ask for financial assistance. But the problem is that you cannot even go near him because he has bodyguards. You don’t even have his phone number, you can’t contact him personally.
This a man that has cars and private jets and whatever, he asked you to bring your first salary of the months and you gave it to him. And now you are in financial need and you can’t even reach him. This practice of Nigerian pastors collecting money from people all in the name of God has to stop. You can collect money from your church members but do you know when they need financial assistance? Can you help them?
Do they know how their members survive day to day? This my sister now needs financial help but where is the pastor to help her? Anybody that knows Pastor Adeboye, please convey my message to him: This girl needs some financial assistance and if he can receive from her, he can also give to her. He should render her some financial assistance. Anybody that is able to contact pastor Adeboye and they need my sister’s number, I will send.
Or the rich members of the church should help her. Bring money to the church but when the members need help, they will not be there to help them. Here in Europe, I and my husband work to pay our bills. If I give a pastor my first salary, how will I be able to pay my house rent or my electricity bills? The system in Nigeria is wrong, it has to stop. All these pastors, you people should stop collecting money from your church members all in the name of God.
And when these members need help, there will be nobody there for them., nobody to help them. This girl needs financial assistance. All Pastor Adeboye’s church members, the ones that are rich, I will send you my sister’s number, you people can get in touch with her and help her. The church doesn’t have to collect, collect, collect, let the church also give out. The Catholic Church here, they are working hand in hand with the Red Cross and are helping people but I don’t know what Nigerian churches are doing; I don’t know what the pastors are doing.
All they do is buy big jets, private jets and have bodyguards. How can a pastor have bodyguards? I thought God is there to protect you, His angels are there to protect you. What do you need bodyguards for that your ordinary church members cannot even come close to you? and ask you for help? Get in touch with me and I will give you my sister’s number so the church can give her some financial assistance. This rubbish has to stop!”
The lady also called on rich members of the RCCG to also help members who are in financial difficulties instead of being the only beneficiaries.
See the video below:

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