22 September 2017

Revealed :- The real story behind Genevieve Nnaji and the white man (photos)

Yesterday, there were insinuations that Genevieve Nnaji might have secrelty married a white man, after she shared a picture with a white man on her Instagram page.
Folks trooped to her IG, to call the man “our in-law”, and this of course caused major traffic on social media, with many congratulating the Veteran actress.
According to new reports & digging by Ebiwali, we are sorry to burst your bubble, but they ARE NOT MARRIED.. They are just good friends.
The white man has been identified as AJ Cham, a tourist and promoter, who is based in California.
AJ cham and Geneveive has been friends since 2014, he Promotes all her Movies on his page. But They are Not married, AJ cham is a married man with a son, His wife’s name is Jojo Cham, he’s a friend to so many Nigerian artistes, even Peter Okoye (picture below)

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